[交大]使用者經驗設計課筆記 Implication for Design

CY. Hu
Apr 1, 2021


Implication for Design

How can we help others go from nuanced formative work to specific design decisions? (給相關人員看,designer, pm…)

Sensitizing concepts : 對於之前不知道事情,或是有既定概念,但從研究中發現和大部分的人認為不同的事情,舉例:

  • Conflicts and non-consensus in families
  • Digital privacy for domestic violence survivors
  • Trust in online health support communities

Abstraction and meta Abstraction:廣泛,在沒有特定科技物下,釐清並用抽象的方式,舉例:

  • help family members discover shared and conflicting values
  • support shared activities instead of talking when designing for parent-child communication

Instantiation : 提供可能的設計解法,舉例:


Prescription: 更具體一點,提供特定的spec作為解法,舉例:


What makes a good implication?

  • it’s accurate in your contexts
  • it generates and inspires future work
  • it’s actionable
  • it’s original and novel



CY. Hu
